Terminal Marketplace
The Terminal Marketplace enables you to monetize or increase your existing terminal commitments. You can sell your current terminal capacity by posting an offer on the Marketplace. Also, you can also use the Marketplace to purchase terminal capacity from other participants, which could give you access to capacity that is otherwise unavailable. There is no cost to listing an offer to sell or purchase capacity.
Tank Terminals
TankTerminals.com is an online platform, consisting of the most comprehensive data on more than 7000 tank storage facilities worldwide. In their database, you will find data on tank terminal location, connectivity, infrastructure, management, logistical performance, product flows and much more. It is a ground-breaking research tool for the tank terminal sector that will provide you with valuable insights into this global business.
At the same time, TankTerminals.com is a transactional platform on which you can offer as well as bid on tank storage capacity. It will provide you with transparency on available capacity, bids and offers, and it allows you to book capacity quickly and easily. This functionality brings increased efficiency to the tank terminal market and, consequently, enhances both the volume of business and the optimization of storage assets.
You can get access to the most extensive tank terminals database today, completely for free, for 14 days.
Storage Auction Methodologies
The Matrix Auction Platform(s) gives storage facilities another tool to manage their capacity.
The increase in information and the speed at which it moves have forced energy participants to adapt.
Information about storage levels is now available in (almost) real time, and the tracking of physical cargoes has greatly improved.
As a result, the energy market is more transparent and efficient than every before.
These radical new technologies are coupled with changes in fundamental flows caused by US exports, OPEC+ plus adherence, changes in demand centers and instantaneous analysis.
To successfully compete in this new environment, storage facility owners must be very flexible.