Christopher Del Vecchio

Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer, Matrix Global Holdings

Christopher Del Vecchio

Matrix Global Holdings

Mr. Del Vecchio brings 30 years of experience in senior-level operations and commercial exposure to the Matrix family of companies.

He began his career with Northeast Petroleum, a division of Cargill, in its terminal storage and logistics group. He left that position for a 16-year stint at BP, starting as a crude and refined products operator. He took on several significant challenges during his tenure. He was a key player in the startup of the Mars Oil Pipeline system, developed the off take procedures for BP’s Cusiana crude oil production in Colombia and managed the resulting portfolio. He oversaw the startup of BP’s Gulf of Mexico Southern Green Canyon crude oil production and had a lead role in the design and implementation of multiple logistics and exposure tracking systems.

Prior to joining Matrix, Mr. Del Vecchio served as manager of business development and crude operations at BioUrja Trading LLC. He has also held positions as operations team leader at PetroChina International America Inc. and in operations positions at Saracen Energy, Musket Corp. and Goldman Sachs.

He holds industry training certifications in Advanced Freight Modeling and Trading, Gasoline Blending in Refineries, First-Level Leadership and Principles of Supervision.